

Markets continue to meander around the flat line with rallies being sold and dips being bought. My primary trading vehicle, YM, has traded in a fairly wide range this morning between 12,075 and 12,146.

The primary sector tells also continue to meander with BKX XBD SOX all trading ever so slightly green but in no way giving hints of a a ramp up. The tech index, MSH, probably trades the best of the best tell group up about .5% along with NAZ Futures.

Market internals trade negative with about 900 more issues lower than higher.

Strongest sectors include metals, biotechs, tech, semis, finanicials and brokers. To the downside, drugs, trannies, oils, airlines and retail.

The DJIA is now trading at a 2 day RSI of about 10 and that is the buy area so maybe time to s for a quick short term trade as we are only 50 points above the DJIA 12,000 level.

Beginning of the month money starts to show tomorrow and I think under invested bulls and long only investors will want to buy expecting a year end rally.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THEY said the markets rallied in October because everyone EXPECTED them to go down.... soooo... everyone EXPECTS the markets to rally in November.... hmmmm

7:58 PM  

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