12:30 UPDATE

Like Dr. Brett, my daytrading revolves around pivot points, market internals and leading sectors. Today, however, the pivots on the YM DJIA Futures are a bit screwey because of the late surge in Friday's after market and the futures movement yesterday. Therefore, I have converted the DJIA CASH Market to futures and am using those points for today's trading. Resistance on the DJIA Cash is near the all time high at 12,582 and the pivot is 12,535.
I am anticipating a little late day move higher and have been buying the dips on the YM Futures.
Market internals continue in the positive category with +55/-45 on the NDX and OEX and +275/-225 on the SPX.
Strongest sectors include gaming (MGM leading the way up another $2.75), airlines, trannies, reits, defense, utilities, biotechs and retailers. To the downside are metals, oils, semis and tech.
AAPL and GOOG are very strong while the major brokers are trading mixed.
Overall market internals are +260 on the NYSE and +165 on the NAZ.
still holding MGM?
any price targets?
A monster of a stock - No idea where its going but if it gets closer to the $100 magnet - well yes $100 unless someone bids for it earlier-
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