Markets continue higher although with some warning signals that things may not end up as well as they began. The DJIA is +98, NAZ+33 and SPX +8. The IWM started out as the best major market index out of the gate but has since dipped and has been making lower lows as the DJIA has held up.
Market internals giving mixed signals as the NAZ has fallen off to +800 and NYSE to plus 960. The internals on the major indexes are doing much better with the DJIA at 25 plus and 5 down, SPX at 380 up and 120 down and NDX at 83 up and 17 down.
GOOG GS MS AAPL SMH all trade green while the best performers are airlines, gaming, trannies, retail, brokers, software, tech, drugs, biotech and reits while oils, metals and homies all trade lower.
Big winners are SIRI XMSR TLAB CHRW ROST and AEOS while losers are JOYG PTEN AMZN ADBI and WFMI.
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