Markets closed lower with the big caps finally following the traditional pattern of losing less on down days than small caps or mid caps.
The DJIA closed down 13, SPX down 1.5 and NAZ lower by 11.
Note however there was more up volume than down volume on the NYSE and the TRIN under 1, so the volume is going to the stocks that are moving higher.
Strongest sectors were utilities, homies, oils, metals, drugs, large cap value and biotechs. Leading lower were gaming, trannies, brokers, internets, airlines, reits and tech.
Market internals were bearish most of the day with the NYSE closing near the flat line and the NAZ red by 620.
Internals on the major indexes were weak with the NDX closing with 30 green and 70 red; the OEX with 40 up 60 down and the SPX with almost 2 up to 3 down.
RIMM KLAC and BIDU were green while GS GOOG AAPL MA ICE NYX BOT CME MER MS and IAI were all red.
Biggest winners included LVLT PTEN AMLN CELG LRCX XRAY WY EXC DOW MRK and TYC while the biggest losers included FDX MS MER LTD NSC C TWX EMC WYNN EXPD ERTS and SBUX.
Most major indexes gave off buy signals as they traded at very low 2 day RSI readings. Volatility indexes also traded at/near 110% of their 10 day SMA's, so buy signals galore.
The action in the brokers/exchanges is a bit worrisome to the bulls, although they have had a huge run during this bull market and my guess is before long things will return to normal and they will continue their move higher.
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