Markets trade higher with an S's over N's session developing as the DJIA is +49, NAZ +2 and SPX +5.
Strong sectors include US real estate, homies, reits, retail, drugs, utilities and airlines while silver stocks, metals, brokers, semis, gaming and xchanges lag.
Key stocks generally mixed with MA MER JPM ICE GS BSC green while CME NYX BOT MSFT AAPL GOOG KLAC and GE are trading red.
Market internals are mixed with the NYSE +500 while the NAZ is 125 to the red.
The NDX is about 50/50 while the OEX is about 60 out of 100 green.
Leading the big caps are JNJ KO HD INTC AIG and IBM while AA GE MRK HPQ and VZ are lower.
Winners on the day include BDK EMC BHI BAX AES SO VRTX NVDA COST and SHLD- while losers include PETM AKAM SIRI XMSR SNDK NTAP and CKFR.
And how ugly is this GE with all the talk of it being big caps time to lead and this thing continue to trade lower just about every day. Don't see how the big caps are going to outperform with out GE.
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