Markets open mixed and yet again the Big Caps are leading the way with the DJIA/SPX green while the RUT/MIDs/NAZ are all red.
Strong sectors include semis, retail, biotech, drugs, utilities, oils and real estate; lagging are silvers, metals, internets, homies, trannies, brokers and exchanges.
Key stocks mainly mixed with MS CME BOT INTC AAPL BIDU MO SGP PFE GILD all green while GS BSC MER NYX ICE NMX C JPM MA MGM CTSH all red.
Big cap winners include F GM BAX EMC CPB AMLN AMAT APOL ERIC SNUW and VRTX.
IBD 100 winners include RRST SYNL ACH MTOX BIDU CRDN TWIN BTJ and IGLD while TTEC PRFT BLUD DSX SPEC SIMO and LFL are all red.
Market internals are generally red with net 125 losers on the NYSE and net 500 red on the NAZ.
The OEX is about evenly split between winners and losers while the NDX is much worse at 35 green 65 red while the IBD 100 is about 45 up and 55 down.
The VIX/VXO team is higher by about 5% and trading about 3% above their respective 10 day SMA's.
The NDX futures are taking a hit lower as I type and my suspicion is they get bought before to long; just remember - its a bull market and for now dips are for buying.
OK, buy, buy.
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