The jobs number came in at/near the target - 132K but prior months numbers were revised upward. Immediate impact on equities was tame but Bonds have sold off as the 10 year yields 5.195 as I type.
In other news, Rupert seems to have a done deal with DJ as the Bancrofts throw in the towel and finally realize there are no alternatives.
CME sweetening bid for CBOT;
CNBC guests say buy big caps with yields and generally no harm from higher yields until rates hit 5.5% on the 10 year. Same guys have been bulling large caps for years-
FWIW- large caps have been under performing again of late as the OEX is +6.4% vs. MID CAPS +13.3%; DJIA +8.8% and RUT +7.9%; So it wasn't the small caps or the large caps but the Mid Caps out performing for 2007.
Breaking it down further- small cap growth up 17% while small cap value flat.
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