

Futures are trading this morning as the trend from yesterday and the unwelcome news from INTC and GS continues to weigh on the markets.

ES -5;

NQ -13

YM -32

Langone and Marcus from HD on CNBC criticizing everything - including the quality of cars at GM - just wonder when the last time was that they were in any Home Depot and the consumer satisfaction in those stores- try to find a helpful person or an open register- comical- LOW much better in all respects. And saying that the government and shareholders should let Directors do their job to control the CEO's etc- more comedy - like the boards are not conflicted - witness just about any of them.

Maybe time to get long the energy patch;

Are the FINS done?;

S & P and their lousy take on GS and did they TOPTICK the markets;

The race to 1 Million;

The latest CDS charts;


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