

Markets continue to move higher - as the dollar continues to get hammered - SPZ +16, NAZ +34.5 and the DJIA +133.

Strongest sectors- metals, gaming, energy, homies, emerging markets and semis while drugs, consumers, airlines and trannies lag.

NYSE- 2260 net green;

NAZ- 1450 net green;

SPX - 470 green;

NDX- 99 green;

TRIN- .55 with up volume about 15x the down;

VIX- down 5.5% and 2% under the SMA 10.

Gold - new highs at +10401.

Dollar whacked at 76.35 and a bounce is no doubt right around the corner.

Looking to take some stuff off the table this afternoon as the RSI 2 levels head to near 90 while the dollar moves to under 10- I suspect that reverses rather soon and brings the equity market lower- also selling more DGP into the rip.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biggest news of the day........

T Tebow is in full pads at practice!!!!

Go Gators

4:26 PM  

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