

Revshark on realmoney.com is feeling optimistic about the markets and expects a rally in the tech sector. He says and I quote:

"The market has been attempting a very slow and painful bounce, but forward progress continues to be quite difficult. Despite the action of the last few days, I continue to feel quite positive about the market overall. In fact, I have been telling my young partner that I can't seem to shake the feeling in my bones that we are setting up for a substantial rally in technology stocks.

I believe that concerns about energy prices, interest rates and real estate sales are giving us sufficient negative market sentiment to set the stage for an upward move that catches many folks unprepared. It seems that many people are so focused on how far this market has come since last October that they are convinced that we have to correct at this stage."

The rev usually has a very good market sense and the only thing that bothers me is that he has not been bearish in a long long time. One day we are going to get that 10% correction(always comes), but, just like everyone else, I don't know when.


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