

Jimmy is bullish on CVX since every one hates it even with the big stock buyback and the big dividend. Can't disagree. I wish someone would ask Jimmy about the new bull market which he said began on March 17 when the SPY closed at 130.62 after moving up from the bottom in 2002 at 80, yes 80. Since Jim's big bull market began we are down about 50 SPX points. Wonder what happens when he proclaims the dawn of a new bear market? My guess, a home run on the long side (lol).

Sectors doing well today include the bonds, as the 10 year is back down to 5.03%, the homies, the internets led by YHOO, and the semis. My feeling is that when the market bounces, and I am convinced that one day it will bounce, it may be led by the internets who have taken a drubbing this year. The metals are getting crushed by about 4.5% today and our old favorite JOYG is in the green so something might be brewing in that space.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site
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4:27 PM  

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