More Cramer news this afternoon as Melissa Lee tells us how great he did with his GOOG call and asking what he sees now for the stock. I can tell you that buying tech stocks when they get huge market caps is not a winning strategy. There is a long list of tech stocks that had huge valuations and have since given it up including YHOO VRTS RBAK ORCL IBM INTC CSCO ICGE CMGI ARBA DELL AMAT BRCD to name a few. I guess one could just go the site and check for Cramer's "red hots" and many of Jimmy's had to own stocks that dribbled into near nothing. Wondering if someone will ever come in and challenge GOOG in their space is kind of a dumb question in my opinion. Of course there will, the only question is when. Happens to just about all the hot tech stocks.
The other Cramer news is that he has a new book telling everyone how to make Mad Money and the book is free to Action Alert subs. Well of course every time I go to the site that tracks Cramer's picks, he is always seems to be trailing most of the major indexes. Nothing like Mad Money.
His last call on the OIH is another loser and of course has never been mentioned on CNBC. The game is simple, Cramer picks hundreds of stocks and he lets Erin and the CNBC team tell us about the ones that did well like GOOG. Stock picks that don't work out are never mentioned. Anyhow, here is what he said about the OIH on November 16 in a piece titled "Downside Ahead for Oil Stocks", of course the day to buy it:
"Where is that buyer of Exxon (XOM) at $74 and change? This decline is what I really fear with the oils. The darned stock is in free fall, and all of that buying power that was used to move this stock up has now vanished.
Worse yet, when oil was down at these levels last time, the Oil Services HOLDRs (OIH) hit a low of $130. Right now, it is at $136. I would sell that index aggressively right here. It makes no sense at all that it is up here.
These are all about to have another big leg down, and I think you have to accept that whoever the heck was buying these now feels like they paid too much and were, in the end, making the bet that crude prices were going to climb.
As I used to say in these cyberpages, wrong!
I own only Halliburton (HAL) for Action Alerts Plus. I own that because of its low valuation. I have no other exposure to the patch.
Feels great."
Probably doesn't feel so great to the folks that sold or shorted on that advice and I see the OIH climbing to $150 or higher by year end.
Aside from the Cramer-bashing, which I love, there is a nice triangle in OIH:SPY.
150 could be a good resistance/shorting point.
I'm out of oil. Made a bit from '05 to mid '06. Might wind up short OIS (yes, S).
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