Markets open lower as some traders appear to want to book some profits. The Semis/NAZ appear to be taking the brunt of the selling.
The DJIA is -37, NAZ-10 and SPX -4.
Strongest sectors include gaming ( good numbers from BYD), homies and trannies while just about all the others are in the red. Leading lower are oils, metals, semis, reits, biotech, airlines, internets and software.
Market internals are also weak with 950 net red on the NYSE and 800 net red on the NAZ.
The SPX has about 140 winners; the NDX with 30 and the OEX with about 20 green on the day.
Leading the DJIA are WMT HON C MRK and T while INTC HD AXP PG and XOM are leading the index lower.
Key stocks finds AAPL ICE NYX higher while GOOG MA BOT CME MER GS MS BIDU are all lower.
Biggest large cap winners include AES XMSR SIRI GRMN JOYG EXPD ERTS and BEAS while the losers are LRCX LINTA FLEX MEDI LOGI AMAT and MNST.
Volatility indexes are quickly ramping with VIX/VXO both up about 8%.
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