In the "you cant make this stuff up," Jimmy out now with his buy call. After selling lower Monday, here is what he offers after the close:
"They couldn't bring it in. Nothing occurred that could knock the market down, and the shorts are trapped like rats.
I don't know what I would do now if I were short. Maybe I would wait until tomorrow to see if the papers just decide to make up stuff about how Ben Bernanke wasn't signaling a cut. Or maybe you try to spin a story about how the expiration is leaning to the sell side. (Forget the fact that the 2:30 floor look -- the one that indicates how much there is to buy or sell on Friday -- showed much better to buy.)
Whatever the setup, the bet against the market setup hasn't happened; instead, we have even the worst quarter -- Accredited Home (LEND) -- moving the stock higher.
Last week when we were down big, the bears came out with the usual Cassandra catcalls.
I am sure they followed up by buying February puts.
Those are rip-ups or insurance against the long side.
And the market's not yet done going up.
Watch General Electric (GE) and Altria (MO) . If they can break out, you have another two good days. "
And the column from Monday about those unspeakable manipulators and snowstorms:
"Bulls should keep their powder dry this week. I have always hated February options expirations when I am long because they have been, at times, some of the worst.
That also means it's entirely likely that you could have a big down day this week that will give you a much better entry point than today.
Plus it's entirely possible that we catch a big snowstorm and the bulls just aren't there to counteract the downward forces and the manipulators with an axe to grind.
I know it's a hard time to sit still. You have a large number of stocks being hammered, and they seem like they're holding in.
To me, it's a come-on. You have to wait this one out.
It's just too risky to get in here."
you just don't get it, lol.
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